Episode 10 – part 2 of 2 with Marie about online dating

Episode 10 is here, bringing the second part of the talk with Marie about online dating.  Enjoy!

We are on iTunes if you’d like to subscribe.

If you have questions or comments about this episode, or previous episodes, please contact us at cryptobiography@gmail.com, or on Facebook or Twitter.

Episode 9 – online dating with Marie, part 1 of 2

Episode 9 is out! I talk with Marie about online dating, something we are both participating in, and in fact was how we met.  Part 2 will be next Sunday.

Enjoy!  And you can subscribe to the show on iTunes to catch these automatically.

If you have comments about the show, or a story about online dating (or just dating in general) to share, cryptobiography@gmail.com

Episode 8 – FibroJedi!

In this episode we speak with Martin, aka FibroJedi, who has created an online group for support and explaining fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disease he has, and to allow him creative outlets as well. We also talk about being a parent and how he finds the best ways to deal with his condition.

He’s online at fibrojedi.me.uk

We always appreciate feedback about this and past episodes, and also reviews on iTunes.  Email us at cryptobiography@gmail.com.  Thanks, and enjoy!


Episode 7 – Spencer

Episode 7 is here! Spencer talks about what he’s doing in his life, why he enjoys it and why it suits him. We also find out how his upbringing fed into his finding out what would work for him as an adult.

If you have questions or comments about the show, please let me know at cryptobiography@gmail.com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! And if you have a story you’d like to share, please email it or attach it as an audio file to the email above, or contact me there or on Twitter or Facebook if you’d like to set up a time to chat.


episode 6 – Andy talks about doing theater as an adult

Episode 6 is here! Andy didn’t do theater until he was an adult, and is shy to boot. So how did he start doing it? And what benefits has it had for him?

Subscribe to us on iTunes as CryptoBiography, or click the play button to listen.

If you have feedback about the show, please let us know! cryptobiography@gmail.com  We also appreciate reviews on iTunes, which help us spread the word.

Episode 5 – part 2 of the interview with Kimi

Part two of Kimi’s interview is here! If anything it is more remarkable than the first part, which is saying something when you’re talking about Kimi.

Please let us know what you think of this episode, and if you like it, also consider putting a review on iTunes. That really helps!

If you would like to say something about the episode, or have a story you want to tell, contact us at cryptobiography@gmail.com

Episode 4 – part 1 of 2 of interview with Kimi

Episode 4 is here, and it is remarkable.

Kimi is Japanese, yet has lived all around the world. And she has also lived with a lot of difficulties and issues. She talks about all of that here.

Some quotes:

“(I was) drowning myself in girls and video games and work…”

“I’ve got more issues than Time Magazine.”

“I didn’t speak until I was twelve…”

Kimi is the most remarkable person I know, and it was a treat to have her chat with me about her life–which mostly has to be quiet and closed off, for reasons she discusses in both episodes.

Enjoy!  And please let us know what you think of the episode.

Episode 2 – The Accidental Expat

Episode 2, where I catch up with an old college friend, Mike.  As it turns out, Mike has lived most of his adult life in Japan. We talk about how that happened; what he’s been up to; and what it’s like living in a foreign country–working, and even marrying and raising kids there.

Episode 1 – “CryptoAutoBiography”

Episode 1 is out!

As the episode name implies, this is the host’s own story.  Hope you enjoy it.

And, we are on Podcasts on iTunes. You can subscribe by going to the Podcasts app and searching for “CryptoBiography” and then clicking the Subscribe button.  Feel free to share us on social media or give a rating or review on iTunes!  Thanks!

–Brandon, host, CryptoBiography